
Marie-Rose Tshite: Gabon: Encore des élections à problème

Marie-Rose Tshite: Gabon: Encore des élections à problème: Que faut-il faire pour organiser des élections libres et transparentes et sans contestation en Afrique??? Les élections  en Afriqu…

Swimming against the swim: Congolese Youth Success in Implementing the UNSCR2250 at a National Decision-Making level.

Swimming upstream:  Congolese Youth Success Implementing UNSCR2250 at the National Decision-making Level Bio: Marie-Rose Tshite is the national coordinator of YALI-RDC, a Congolese youth-led, non-profit network promoting leadership in civic engagement, public governance, and entrepreneurship. She consults and volunteers on youth issues for local and international organizations. Her research interests include women and youth civic…
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Can we always predict natural disaster such as a volcanic eruption?

 Marie Rose at LOCATION                                        Nyiragongo Volcano (Our Breathing Planet) Hello! My name is Marie Rose Tshite, and I am a Fulbright scholar from the Democratic Republic of Congo.  I’ve been volunteering in community services since my first year at university, and later, I worked with women and youth associations. Coming to the U.S.A. and…
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The DRC YPS Coalition is officially launched on the 6 Anniversary of the UNSCR2250

Why do we need the DRC’s Youth, Peace, and Security agenda? Transparent Collaboration with all young people working on the YPS agenda to advance it at a national and provincial level. The DRC has come a long way in the vulgarization of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace, and Security, materialized…
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En célébration du mois de la femme

Bien que la pandémie du Corona Virus ait volé la vedette à la célébration du mois de la femme, elles sont encore en première ligne dans la sensibilisation pour la prévention de ce virus.En ce 31 Mars 2020, Je voudrais clore ce mois en partageant avec vous quelques histoires inspirantes du programme du Réseau des…
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Gutenberg Sample Post

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a placeholder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content. If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Melville. That’s why they…
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